Monday, March 16, 2009

all i am saying is give composting a chance....

I can't say enough about the benefits of compost. Whether you buy it or make it, nothing works better to amend and enrich soil. One of the first things I did when I knew we were buying a house was contact the city and see if they offered compost bins. Much to my delight, they had one Earth Machine left from a campaign they had run in previous years. This compact compost bin made by Norseman Plastics is the perfect size for an urban setting. Compost bins can easily be constructed as well and how-to's are all over the internet. For "healthy" compost you need a mix of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials.

Kitchen greens consist of the following:
fruit and vegetable scraps
houseplant cuttings
coffee grounds/tea bags
rice and pasta
egg shells

Kitchen browns consist of the following:
coffee filters
paper napkins/towels
dryer lint

Yard greens:
hedge clippings
grass (small amounts)

Yard browns:
dried leaves
dried grass

Never compost meat, dairy, oils/fats, pet waste, or mature weeds

Start collecting in your kitchen bucket and I'll follow up soon with what to do next.

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