Friday, February 27, 2009


Just a quick note as I get asked this daily-the only type of fertilizer that can be used when putting down grass seed is STARTER fertilizer. All other types of fertilizer will prevent seed from germinating. Also note that most pre-emergent fertilizers will state that you need to wait 6-8 weeks before spreading seed, check the bag. Of course you don't have to worry about when to spread seed if you opt to fertilize with my favorite- composted cow manure. Not only are you improving the quality of the soil, you don't have to worry about any potential run-off polluting storm drains or ground water supplies.


Unknown said...

Hello Yug!

I live in Indian Trail, NC and am wondering what you recommend for getting rid of basic yard weeds that seem to be sprouting all over my lawn. I also have some patches of clover that I detest!!

YUG said...

Unfortunately, I think part of the "joy" of living in the South is dealing with hundreds of weeds. Clay soil is not conducive to growing grass on it's own so opportunistic weeds that are more adapt than fescue to clay soils will prevail. Now is the time to use "weed and feed" fertilizers to prevent the spread of nasty weeds. Spectacide has a pre-emergent that has a very thorough list of weeds it will address including clover. The best defense against weeds is healthy lush lawn. I have found that fall is the best time to plant grass seed as the ground is still warm and the air temp is less stifling. Amending that clay with composted cow manure when seeding will improve the soil quality. Also know that if your neighbor has weeds in his lawn, you will likely have them too. Let me know if you have any other questions-thanks for asking!