Friday, January 30, 2009

evolving landscape

I decided to share with you some before and after pictures of my various landscape projects. I will continue to take pictures as the seasons change to highlight different plants. Please note that the top picture was taken in winter while the bottom was taken in spring. The Redbud tree has been removed due to its size and proximity to the house. I have taken the Japanese privet at the corner of the house from a shrub to a "standard" or tree form. The ivy that was choking the light pole is now gone and has been replaced by grasses and sedum. The circular bed in the front yard has been turned into a hummingbird/butterfly garden and the scalloped edging is much improved. Finally, the 30 year old half blooming azaleas have been replaced by euonymous, barberry, nandina and loropetulum. I did keep the clematis as when in bloom it has the most spectacular white flowers. I have also have almost finished the other side of the front and pictures will soon follow.

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