Thursday, November 13, 2008

boxelder bastards

Let me introduce you to the boxelder bug. This unassuming creature does not bite or sting, harm plants and is completely harmless to property. They can often been seen in all stages of life from a 1/16th of an inch bright red juvenile to the adult seen here. This is a social bug and is often seen in large quantities. I first noticed these guys on the front of the stone around a garden in my front yard. I did some research and discovered they are virtually harmless so I decided not to take any action thinking they might provide some food for the birds. Little did I know they would soon move in to my house. I have had to resort to an insecticide just to be able to open my front door. The only saving grace is that if they choose your house one year, they are a one time guest, and won't be back next year. Good luck to their next host!


Unknown said...

What are you using to identify the bugs? We have been taken over by a flying, camo brown, spiny legged creature, about 1/2" to 3/4" long, and have no idea how they are getting in. Interestingly, when smashed they a concentrated dose of chlorophyl! I have looked, but can't find anything on them.

YUG said...

I think you might have a western seed bug or any member of the Coridae family. Check out for pictures. I usually describe the bug (brown flying insect) into and get a link to an entomology website. If you are looking for a good insecticide, try Ortho Home Defense. Good Luck!