Tuesday, November 23, 2010

who knows....

So in yet another twist and turn, someone amazing has come into my life. Who knew that I may have an opportunity beyond my wildest dreams? Surreal almost. That being said, I miss the creativity of landscaping. Any opportunity I get, I seize. So with the prospect of the oldest farmhouse in a county in PA and just a few pics, my wheels are turning! 4 acres and the most picturesque setting imaginable challenge me more than ever before. When you persue your passion, amazing things happen and above all God is soverign and totally in control.

Friday, November 12, 2010

back on track, sort of...

So one of the things I am most proud of is my creation of this name-Young Urban Gardener. While I may not be so young, it came to me during my Master Gardener training as I was surrounded by retirees. So my vision is to develop a landscaping company here in Ohio and eventually have a retail store that offers options for marrying outdoor living with an entire outdoor lifestyle. Don't want to forego my passion so to remind myself of where I am and where I want to be, I took the bold (for me) step and here's what has resulted.